Tim Wilmot
Tim Wilmot
British artist Tim Wilmot has painted on/off all his life and apart from an A level at school is completely self taught
Based near Bristol in the UK Tim paints in a unique style that specialises in vibrant watercolours exploiting the medium with tone and light, Whilst also enjoying the spontaneity and speed of which you can work in watercolour, usually finishing a painting in under 2 hours
Since 2009 Tim regularly paints around 3-4 paintings per week, his subjects are mainly landscapes and seascapes but will paint pretty much any scene as long is there is a strong light source
Tim has taught watercolour painting all over the world to thousands of students and regularly runs workshops in the UK and Europe, He also offers online workshops and has a very successful YouTube channel with new videos posted every few weeks
Website: www.timwilmot.com
YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/TimWilmot